ملعب مدرسة رينجوود التابعة لكنيسة إنجلترا للرضع في رينجوود

Ringwood Church of England Infant School, located in Hampshire, recognised the potential of an underutilised green space adjacent to their playground.

They had a clear vision of creating a dedicated school playground that fostered a stronger connection with nature. TouchWood embraced this opportunity and embarked on transforming the space by incorporating natural elements that not only complemented the surroundings, but also offered a range of play values.

Creating a school playground connected with nature.

At the heart of the design was a remarkable fallen tree with a hand-finished crown, which provided a captivating and natural twist to a climbing frame. This unique feature catered to all key stages and offered diverse play opportunities. Acting as the tree’s stump, the climbing tree featured climbing holds that allowed children to ascend and explore the piece. To accentuate the fallen tree concept, balance beams were strategically placed to resemble branches, adding to the authenticity of the play experience.

Encouraging imaginative play and collaboration among the children.

Enhancing outdoor learning.

تعال وألق نظرة على بعض ملاعبنا المصممة حسب الطلب

أكاديمية ستانلي جرين للأطفال الرضع
اكتشف المزيد

جلب الطبيعة إلى داخل المنزل من خلال بيت الشجرة في مدرسة وينفورد الابتدائية.
اكتشف المزيد

ملعب مدرسة هانا مور الابتدائية الجديد في مدرسة هانا مور الابتدائية رائد اللعب الطبيعي
اكتشف المزيد