The Wild Wonderland playground has a wide variety of active play, ideal for developing skills in agility, balance, flexibility, strength and endurance.
It features a play tower covered in wildwood for a natural look and feel.
The playground encourages free and unrestricted play, allowing children to fully engage in their activities. They can also enjoy exploring the local geography in a playful manner, all within a textured and natural playground setting.
Features include:
Lead time (from confirmation of order to completion)*:
6-8 weeks
Installation time on site:
4 weeks
Expected lifespan (structural timber elements):
15-20 years
Subject to availability. Prices are approximate, exclusive of installation and VAT, and subject to change.
Wildwood Play Tower With Slide and Triple Ladder
Rope Trail – Hawser Rope, Parallel Ropes, Platform
تشابك الأخشاب بالشبكة
اكتشف المزيد
Junior Climbing Logs (x2)
أعمدة تسلق الغابات (× 6)
اكتشف المزيد
عارضة التوازن المتعرجة
اكتشف المزيد
يسعدنا دائماً الإجابة عن أي أسئلة قد تكون لديك حول كيفية عملنا، أو تقديم المشورة بشأن أفضل السبل لتنفيذ مشروعك بنجاح.