Chippenham Borough Lands Charity

The Arc Climbing Academy Project:
Playground for Public Spaces & Parks.

In response to the Chippenham Borough Lands Charity’s vision, Touchwood Play embarked on an exciting project: creating a playground for public spaces and parks. Specifically, we were tasked with transforming an open-access parkland adjacent to The Arc Climbing Academy into a captivating play area. The challenge was clear—to craft a space that not only catered to a diverse age range, from 2 to 12 years old, but also harmonised with the climbing centre, offering a place for siblings or children of parents using the facility, using quality playground equipment.

Designing a Bespoke Public Space Playground.

At The Arc, the café features a decked seating area elevated 1.5 meters above the play area—a layout that provided excellent visibility but physically separated the spaces. The triangular shape of the land posed constraints that ruled out a conventional playground. To meet the need for play value and dwell time, we devised a unique solution.

Enter the captivating wildwood tower, complete with a slide and a play bridge connecting to the café deck. This bridge isn’t just a path; it’s an adventure for children and adults alike. A secondary entrance to the deck offers a circular journey, unlocking countless playful possibilities. A pebble play area, adorned with a play hut and oak tower, weaves playful routes using a tree crown, boulders, and log hops. To further enhance imaginative play, we introduced pulleys, buckets, and chutes—achieving the desired dwell time as envisioned by our client.

Come and look around some of our bespoke playgrounds

Gosford Forest Park Woodland Trail

The new go-to family spot at The Mall Cribbs Causeway

Building active communities: South Molton's play and outdoor gym area