Witches Hat Playground, Yate Town Council

TouchWood was tasked with rejuvenating the Witches Hat play area by Yate Town Council. This project aimed at enhancing the space with natural playground equipment, landscaping, and the addition of a skate park area.

Engaging the community

Understanding the importance of community input, TouchWood organised a Designing for Real day to involve local residents in the planning process. This collaborative approach ensured that the final design resonated with the aspirations and needs of the community, fostering a sense of ownership among the play area users.

Transforming the playground

A key aspect of the project involved repurposing an existing steel play structure into an imaginative Iron Age Play Fort. By integrating elements such as slides and interactive sand chutes, TouchWood breathed new life into the structure, catering to the younger demographic while infusing historical flair into the design.

Colour photo of aerial view of Witches Hat playground in Yate, with wooden basket swing and balance logs

Creating adventures for all ages

In addition to the fort, TouchWood introduced adventurous elements to cater to older children. Carved logs and a six-meter recycled bridge provided exciting challenges, encouraging children to explore and test their physical abilities. This thoughtful design approach ensured that children of all ages could find activities suited to their interests and abilities.

Colour photo of wooden playground tower with slide at Witches Hat playground in Yate

Revitalising the skate park

The introduction of a skate park area complemented the play space, offering older children a dedicated area for recreation. TouchWood incorporated a graffiti wall shelter, providing a vibrant hangout spot for teens to socialize while enjoying the skate park. Adjacent to the shelter, a jungle maze nestled within the trees added an element of adventure, featuring ropeways and a giant net for added thrill.

Colour photo of two children playing on slide attached to natural wooden tower at Witches Hat playground in Yate

TouchWood’s commitment to quality extended beyond design, as evidenced by the feedback from the council’s maintenance team. The natural playground equipment not only met high standards but also proved to be easy to maintain, ensuring longevity and continued enjoyment for the community.

Through innovative design solutions and community engagement initiatives, TouchWood successfully revitalised the Witches Hat play area and skate park for Yate Town Council. The project stands as a testament to the transformative power of thoughtful design and collaborative efforts in creating vibrant and inclusive recreational spaces.

Colour photo of child balancing on natural wooden logs at Witches Hat playground in Yate

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